Insights Into Homoeopathy

Insights Into Homoeopathy

€10.95 €8.95

By Dr. Frank Bodman

Detailed clinical studies over a wide range of conditions and remedies, including psychiatry.

A welcome contribution to homeopathic literature by a man known for his remarkable vision and erudition, which proposes numerous clinical observations and findings, including psychiatry.

The publisher:

The purpose of this book is to show that it is possible to subject homoeopathy to the same standards of intellectual scrutiny that apply to any other branch of medicine.
The author begins by explaining this specialty as it first confronts the conventionally-trained mind, and follows with an analysis of the extraordinary contribution made by its founder, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, to modern medicine. There are several chapters on the use of homoeopathy in psychiatry, in which Dr Bodman had much experience. He then discusses the homoeopathic management of a wide variety of clinical conditions, including allergy - the area where research during the 1980s has demonstrated the effectiveness of the microdose. He concludes with a discussion of the reasoning that lies behind research into homoeopathy.

Dr Frank Bodman qualified in medicine at Bristol University in 1922 and soon afterwards took a house appointment at the London Homoeopathic Hospital. After some years in general practice he was appointed physician to the Bristol Homoeopathic Hospital, beginning an association that was to last his lifetime. He was instrumental in the negotiations that resulted in the incorporation of homoeopathy within the British National Health Service, and was elected President of the Faculty of Homoeopathy from 1955 to 1957. He was also qualified in psychological medicine, and his interest in this field led him to pursue a parallel career as a consultant psychiatrist, with particular involvement in child guidance and the problems of juvenile delinquency. He died in 1980.