Levels of Health 2nd Vol of The Science of Homeopathy by G. Vithoulkas (3rd revised edition 2019)
The publisher:
Professor George Vithoulkas briefly mentions the premise of “The Levels of Health” in his main textbook, “The Science of Homeopathy”, published in 1977. After 57 years of experience and diligent observation in homeopathic practice, he presents the fully developed practical theory for application in everyday practice.
“Levels of Health” is a highly original contribution to homeopathy and the medical field as a whole. Vithoulkas explains his concept of the twelve levels of health in detail, meticulously elaborating on the indications to which level a patient belongs. He delineates the possible reactions of the organism’s defense mechanism to homeopathic treatment – as well as what the reactions indicate. This volume provides formulas for the physician to recognize whether a patient is improving after the prescribed remedy, as well as the prognosis. It also gives invaluable advice to the practitioner for assessing the gravity and severity of cases. Levels of Health is the new pioneering theory: a vital component in homeopathic prescribing that all practitioners of homeopathy should embrace.